Essay on Intelligence and Propaganda


These are two important subjects that are unknown to the common man.

So, people who know and practice them are always eating the common guy’s lunch.

Just like a mouse that lacks understanding of a trap made for him by smarter men.

It is in his own best interests that every man gain familiarity with these subjects.


The book Spy and His Master is a good basic training manual on Intelligence.

The word Master in the above book title stands for the case officer. A case officer is an Intelligence officer who has the job of recruiting, training, placing and running agents.

The reason the case officer is the Master in the relationship is he knows the agent’s motivation. Thus he can control the agent at all times. He knows the agent’s motivation because he did a study of it before he ever approached the agent to recruit him.

By knowing the agent’s motivation, the case officer can get the person to agree to be an agent. The case officer also uses this knowledge to control the agent.

Scale of Motivation

Political ally

The higher on the scale the better because of loyalty and trustworthiness. The lower on the scale, the less loyal and trustworthy they are and they can turn on you and join the other side.

All of the above agents are knowingly and willingly being an agent, except the coerced agent is not willing. The coerced agent is being forced to be an agent with blackmail or some kind of threat to his survival.

There is a special category of agent who is an unknowing agent, called a Dupe.
The Dupe does not realize he is being an agent because he is being tricked into it.

To illustrate what a Dupe agent is – we will use the following scenario:

Let’s say I am a case officer with an assignment to destroy the Ford Motor Company.

I decide I need DUPES to do this. So, I get a knowing agent of mine to go research some bad auto accidents involving Ford cars and tell him to start making it publically known about how unsafe Ford cars are. My knowing agent talks about all the victims and the irresponsibility of that company and he gets a whole bunch of people riled up about the Ford Motor Company. These riled up people start anti-Ford Motor Company groups, ask for governments to regulate it or close it down, etc.

Now, I never approached any of those people directly, they do not know my name and have never met me. But they ARE BEING MY AGENTS UNKNOWINGLY. That type of agent is called a DUPE. They were tricked into being my agent. They think they serve some just cause, when they actually serve my covert agenda to destroy that company on behalf of the Intelligence agency I work for.

Not all agents are spies. Two types of agents:

Agent Provocateur

These two types of agents serve completely different functions and act differently.

One of the primary functions of Intelligence is to obtain secret information on the enemy.

A spy agent is used for that. His entire purpose is to infiltrate the enemy camp, and pose as being one of them. This is called his cover. His real identity remains hidden, he is not really one of them, he is really on your side. He causes no trouble because he does not want to draw any attention to himself. So, he does everything just right so as to go unnoticed.

Good Intelligence identifies the enemy, his location, his size and strength, etc. It also finds out what the enemy secret future plans are. The spy gets all this data and forwards it to the case officer who does what is called an Estimate of the Situation. Part of this Estimate of the Situation is to PREDICT what the enemy is going to do in advance. Ideally, all attacks would be predicted and stopped before they happen.

Please notice that a spy has to communicate with his case officer to pass along secret information. This is when and how spies get caught, when they try to pass data back. The one thing that must remain hidden at all times is the spy’s connection to his employer, the case officer and the Intelligence agency he works for.

Counter-intelligence is informed whenever security forces discover a link between the spy and his case officer. Counter-intelligence will decide whether to hang the spy or leave him in place, and use him to feed disinformation back to his case officer. It is common practice for counter-intelligence to leave the spy in place.

The agent provocateur has an entirely different function than a spy. He is not in the enemy camp in order to gain secret information. He is there to destroy the enemy in any way he can. He does this in various ways - by destroying files, by disrupting meetings, by destroying technology, feeding in false data, getting other members of the target group to commit immoral and criminal acts, etc.

He causes destruction. By comitting immoral and criminal acts personally and getting other members of the target group to do likewise, he is a DISGRACE to the group he pretends to be a member of and support. His purpose is to DISCREDIT the group he is pretending to be a member of.

But, he does not have to report to his case officer.

So, you cannot catch him like you catch a spy. You have to survey the target group for those people who act in such a way as to be destructive to the target group or to be a DISGRACE to the other group members or who acts in such ways as to DISCREDIT the group.

Once an enemy attack is predicted by the case officer – black intelligence operations are used to prevent the attack from taking place. Now we are into any kind of dirty trick in the book. This could include assassinations, blackmail, extortion, bribes, sting operations or you name it.

Of course, taking over leadership of the target group is best. Now your agents control the enemy camp and that handles any and all threats from them. Another good intelligence tactic is to get two or more of your enemies fighting each other. This technique is called Divide and Conquer.

Front Groups

These operate under the same rules as an individual agent, except it is a group intead of one single agent. It’s leaders are knowing agents of the case officer. This connection remains hidden. The Front Group carries out a secret purpose for the employing Intelligence agency. Usually only the leaders of the Front Group know that it is a Front Group for an Intelligence agency and these commonly use lots of Dupes to assist them.

These Dupes think they work for a good cause and are unaware that they are working as agents for some Intelligence agency. The Dupes are being tricked and USED to fulfill some secret, usually evil, end. They would not agree with the evil end if they knew about it. Thus, they are not informed of it and thus they remain unknowing agents. If they agree with the evil end, then they could be recruited as knowing agents and would no longer be a Dupe.

The reason for the Front Group is that it is going to carry out some purpose which its creator does not want to be associated with. For example, it would be unacceptable for the government to operate anti-religion groups. They would be in political hot water for doing that overtly, not to mention legal hot water. So, to carry out their anti-religion agenda they set up Front Groups to do their dirty work and then they can pretend they had nothing to do with it.


Around the time of World War II was a relatively new machine called the radio.

One Adolf Hitler found a new use for said machine – propaganda.

Propaganda is the manipulation, controlling, and winning of the hearts and minds of men.
He used this subject to manipulate the German people into supporting his holocaust.

Then along comes Communist Russia and they master and use this subject and even develop it a step further.

One of their techniques is called - propaganda by the re-definition of words.

For example, slavery = freedom by re-definition. Thus we have slaves, believing they are free men, when they are not. They are happy slaves though, because they think they are free.

A little later comes along a seemingly new subject called PUBLIC RELATIONS.

You see, propaganda is a harsh word, with bad connotations connected to it, so we will give it a new image by giving it a euphemistic label - Public Relations. Hah!

And what is the new subject of Public Relations all about?

The manipulation, control, and winning of the hearts and minds of men!

Same thing as Propaganda! No difference!

This subject is used to manipulate men to happily accept what they would never agree to!


Here is a common black Intelligence operation that is used over and over.

Learn to recognize it. It combines Intelligence methods with propaganda.


In this technique the Intelligence agency controls BOTH SIDES.

Let’s say we want to get rid of minority religions. We want to pass a law against them.

The public will never agree to that – it’s against their morals and the US Constitution.

So, you use your Intelligence agents to start some minority religions or to infiltrate some existing ones and take them over. Now your agents act badly and get others in the group to act badly, so they become a menace in the public eye. Let’s say they commit murders, rapes and rob stores.

So, your agents INSIDE these religions commit crimes = PROBLEM

Then you have some of your other Intelligence agents set up Front Groups that will make a public outcry against the evil doings of the minority religions which your Intelligence agents are running! We will call these Front Groups - Anti-Minority Religion groups. These groups will incite people to demand that something be done about minority religions.

Then some of your other Intelligence agents bring Legal attacks on the minority religions in the form of lawsuits, raids, and arrests.

By now the public is demanding a solution = REACTION

You say "I have the solution to these awful minority religions – outlaw them!"

And now the public, who originally would have opposed your crazy solution – DEMAND IT! Yes, yes – they cry – pass a law against these awful minority religions!

So, Congress passes a law against minority religions = SOLUTION

Now the public cheers and accepts a crazy idea they never would have agreed to before.


Now here is the odd part of this – you created the problem in the first place!

Your agents controlled BOTH SIDES!


Public Relations (propaganda) has the purpose of winning the hearts and minds of men.
In other words, it is used for manipulating men, to get them to happily accept
what you want them to do – even if that is not in their best interests.

The average human being has no idea how Intelligence and Public Relations work –
so the people who practice these subjects are constantly eating the normal guy’s lunch. Over and over the average guy gets taken advantage of like this. He has got to get up to speed on these subjects so he can’t be fooled like this anymore.

Notice the above is an exact description of the Anti-cult movement.

Also understand that the Church of Scientology is being subjected to this technique.






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