

Apply the Senior Danger formula as follows –

1. Bypass the Church and produce the product of Free Beings ourself.

2. An Evaluation was done and the following will handle the SITUATION:

Church Handling Steps


Replace the current top management with new management that will implement our List of Reforms. The new management is to also do handling steps 2 and 3 below.


The FLAW in Church structure is no system for correcting a corrupt top management.

The Articles of Incorporation for CST/RTC are to be changed, as follows:

To make CST/RTC a member organization. Certain members have voting rights.

Voting members are any Clear or above who has completed any auditor course.

The voting members can elect a five-man panel to represent them in removing and replacing any or all Trustees, Directors, or Special Directors of CST/RTC. The panel members must be practicing Class VI auditors or above. They cannot be anti-tech.

Any 100 voting members can establish the panel of five representatives for investigating the removal and replacement of CST/RTC Trustees and Directors.

The five member panel has each church notify the other church members of its existence through a mailing. Evidence of any of the grounds for removal causes the panel to remove those Trustees or Directors. They then propose a list of potential replacements and submit the names and qualifications of the candidates to the voting members, who select the replacements by vote.

Grounds for removal of CST/RTC Trustees and Directors are:

a. Violation of the Creed of the Church for any person in or out of the church.
b. Any alteration to any LRH issues.
c. Internal or external use of ALTER-ISNESS or NOT-ISNESS as a solution.
d. Violation of the AIMS of Scientology - being criminal, insane or at war.
e. Violation of Senior Policy without quickly remedying the matter.
f. Tolerating any other Scientologist doing a,b,c,d, or e above.

a. The Creed of the Church is to be put into actual practice in the church and society.

It should be specifically noticed that the Creed of the Church allows any man to set up his own groups and therefore any effort to use copyrights or any other means to stop others from practicing Scientology, outside of the jurisdiction of the church, is


b. All LRH issues are to be restored to their original form and left that way.

CST is to preserve only unaltered LRH issues for future generations.

Flag has a copy of LRH handwritten originals available for any Scientologist to see.

c. TRUE SCIENTOLOGY uses AS-ISNESS as the ONLY solution.

TRUE SCIENTOLOGY is the only acceptable practice by any Scientologist.

Any wording in any LRH issue that calls for any other solution than AS-ISNESS
is not to be followed by any Scientologist.

The HCOP/L Fair Game uses NOT-ISNESS as a solution and is cancelled.

Enforced Disconnection is NOT-ISNESS and is hereby abolished.

Persons who become violent or otherwise disruptive can be ordered off church
premises until they settle down and can discuss their problems calmly.

d. Top management and the church are to lead by example regarding the AIMS.

The AIMS are a civilization without criminality, insanity and war.

Thus top management and the church cannot be criminal, insane or at war. 

e. Senior Policy is SENIOR to any other policy and is followed above other policy.

Senior Policy is - Deliver what was promised.

What was promised is:

Moving each individual being UP the tone scale to these states -

Theta Clear
Cleared Theta Clear
Free Spiritual Being

Violation of senior policy is grounds for removal.

Individual Scientologists Handling Steps

Implement the Bright Idea section of this Evaluation.