Reform Movement
THE PURPOSE OF SCIENTOLOGISTS FOR REFORM The entire purpose of auditing is to RAISE TONE LEVEL. Therefore, the purpose of the Reform Movement is to remove from the church people and policies and practices that are detrimental to RAISING TONE LEVEL.
1. Squirrels they have made a massive number of alterations to LRH issues. 2. Criminals OSA commits the same and worse crimes as the old GO. 3. Fascists they practice rigid censorship and forcible suppression of opposition. 4. Frauds they tell lies to church members, such as, they deliver pure LRH tech. 5. Merchants of Fear they peddle fear, not ARC - RPF, hired thugs (Minutemen) 6. Hypocrites they espouse, but do not practice, numerous high ideals such as: - a civilization without criminality, insanity and war This is hypocrisy because they are criminal, insane and at war. 7. Charlatans promising things they dont deliver - there are no Theta Clears or OTs. 8. Enslavers they deny civil liberties and demand obedience the opposite of freedom.
Basically, the tone level of the current management and thus the church, is 1.1 They pretend to offer, without actually delivering, freedom. Through fascist policies and practices they actually
deliver the opposite of freedom. Once in awhile, through no fault of the management, someone manages to rise uptone to where they achieve enough self-determinism and freedom, to speak up and walk out. This is an accident, a fluke. The management tried
their damnedest to prevent freedom. THE INTERNAL METHOD OF REFORM Remove the current top management and replace with new management that will institute our List of Reforms. Our List of Reforms lists out those individuals, policies and practices of the church that are detrimental to raising tone level and to the attainment of freedom. The internal method being used to bring this about is BOYCOTT. We will no longer put up with the insanity of having leaders, policies or practices that are detrimental to raising tone level and to the attainment of freedom. We refuse to participate in the church, as members of
the paying public or as staff, until our demands for Reform are met. The
number of Scientologists who are boycotting is in the tens of thousands
and growing. EXTERNAL METHOD OF REFORM 1. We will create a web page to inform Scientologists about the need for Reform. 2. We will by-pass the church and produce its product
ourselves = FREE BEINGS LASTING REFORM THROUGH COMPETITION The real reason for all the abuses is that the church has a MONOPOLY. The real way to bring a lasting and permanent reform
is COMPETITION. All of the abusive practices of the church will go away and stay away if the church has a competitor. It works like this: The paying public has to put up with any kind of abuse the DM-led church wants to dish out, because there is no competitor for them to go to for the services they want. And they want those services badly enough, to put up with all manner of abuse to get them. Without a competitor, the church gets away with all manner of abuses and still gets support from its members, because people have no place else to go to get the tech: High prices Consider the paying public as consumers to any business. A business cannot survive without having paying customers. If those paying customers started to take their business elsewhere, due to abuses, the church would have to reform or go out of business. It is the members of the church who are the paying public that will cause the reform. By taking their business elsewhere if things do not change. REMOVING DM AND THE OTHER CURRENT CRIMINALS WILL NOT ENSURE ANY LASTING REFORM! Please realize that. A new set of people will take over, apply the same policies that DM was, and the whole cycle starts over again. Nothing will have changed, only the names of the people committing the crimes. THE WAY TO ENSURE LASTING REFORM IS TO BREAK THE MONOPOLY. With alternative places to go to get the tech, the church will not be able to engage in any kind of abuses, because its paying public can easily take their business somewhere else. " You have to pay $8,000 for your next
intensive". "You're going into the RPF". You get the idea. But, they can't do it, without an elsewhere for them to go to. Thus, the monopoly has got to be broken. Want lasting reforms? Provide a competitor and break
their monopoly. SUMMARY OF THE REFORM MOVEMENT Anyone stupid enough to make a fascist organization does not know history. Eventually people will rise up and wipe the fascist organization out. No fascist organization has ever survived, and neither
will this one. The Reform Movement is not going to go away. We are here to stay and we will get our product. Scientologists For Reform will create a church of which we can be proud. The church we want does ONLY this: RAISES THE TONE LEVEL OF INDIVIDUALS AND THUS THE OTHER DYNAMICS, TOWARDS THE GOAL OF FREEDOM - AND DOES NOTHING DETRIMENTAL TO THAT PURPOSE.