Essay on Auditing


My name is Mike McClaughry and I have had a positive experience with auditing.

To cite a few examples:

I used to get sore throats about once a week.
In auditing I ran out an incident when I had my tonsils removed by a doctor at age six. After that, I have never had a sore throat again.

I used to be shy of girls and could not talk with them.
I handled this in an auditing session where the process was assigning meanings to things. I realized that I was assigning girls a meaning they don’t have – being scary.
After that I have had no trouble talking to girls. Ask the girls.

I had an operation for a swollen lymph gland in my right arm.
My arm was in a sling and hurt so badly that I could not move it.
In an auditing session all of the pain vanished and I could move the arm normally again.

My daughter was scheduled to go to Florida with my wife but became ill and couldn’t go. The doctor said it was a 3-week flu virus and nothing he could do. She was upset. 
I audited her for 40 minutes, the 105-degree temperature broke, she was well and went.

There are millions of such stories that are recorded in auditing sessions in the world.

Auditing is a tool.

And, like any tool, the results obtained are dependent upon its operator.

There are two things that monitor the outcome of the application of any tool:

1. The intent of the operator.
2. The skill of the operator.

Take a hammer - there are 3 possible results, depending on the operator’s skill & intent:

A skilled operator with the intent to create something good, builds a house.

An unskilled operator mis-swings the hammer and hits his thumb and hurts himself.

A nut takes a hammer and maliciously kills someone with it.

Now, are hammers constructive or destructive?
Neither one, it only has good and bad operators. 

Getting back to the subject of auditing, it is a tool.

And, in the hands of a sane and skilled operator, the tool is used to relieve those in pain.

And, in the hands of an unskilled operator, the tool is used to hurt themselves.

And, in the hands of an insane operator, the tool is used to harm or even kill another. 

Is auditing constructive or destructive? It depends on the skill and intent of the operator.

Scientology and auditing are very much misunderstood by Scientologists and society. Let’s take a few minutes and understand it. Following is a very simple explanation.

If you spend a few minutes to digest the following, you’ll understand Scientology and auditing better than most Scientologists, because most of them don’t get it, either.

And, it is not just for non-Scientologists. Scientologists need to learn the following too.

A Simple Explanation of Scientology & Auditing

The Three Parts of Man

1. The Physical Body
2. The Mind
3. The Thetan (spirit)

1. Everyone is familiar with the body and this requires no explanation.

Like a car, it has a driver that gives it intelligent direction.
The driver of the body that gives it intelligent direction is the Thetan (spirit).

2. The mind consists of mental image pictures. It is not a brain.

The Thetan records every event in life in the form of mental image pictures.
Remember eating breakfast today. You are looking at a mental image picture.

These mental image pictures are divided into two broad categories:

Mental image pictures of Pleasure Moments.
Mental image pictures of Painful Moments.

There are 3 types of painful mental image pictures:

Engram = a MIP of a time of physical pain and unconsciousness. An impact or injury.

Secondary = a MIP of a time of loss and painful emotion.

Lock = a MIP of a time when one was reminded of a secondary or engram.

Examples of each type of painful mental image picture:


A MIP of getting hit on the leg with a baseball bat. A recording of physical pain.


A MIP of a loved one dieing and you cried. A recording of a loss and painful emotion.


A MIP of seeing a baseball bat and feeling a pain in your leg.
(Reminded of an engram)

A MIP of seeing someone that looks like the loved one who died, and feeling sad. (Reminded of a secondary)

Notice that in all 3 types of mental image pictures described above there is recorded pain.

These are the 3 types of MIP that auditing addresses and the intent is to relieve the pain.

3. The Thetan (spirit) is you. That which thinks and is aware. Life - that which is alive.

You are the driver that inhabits a body and gives it intelligent direction.
You are not a body or a mind. You are not any part of the physical universe.

The Four Parts of the Physical Universe

1. Matter
2. Energy
3. Space
4. Time

The physical universe is called MEST. Matter Energy Space Time

It is not alive. It thinks nothing. It knows nothing. It is not aware of anything.

Try talking to a chair or a wall. You’ll get nowhere. It’s not alive and does not see you.
Try talking to a dead body. The same thing happens. It is MEST, devoid of a living spirit.

You, a Thetan, a living being, are not MEST. You are a non-physical entity, a spirit.

You are alive, you are aware, you perceive things, you think and you know.

Combine a Thetan with a physical body and you have a human being. Animated MEST.

An alive human being is a combination of a Thetan and MEST.
A dead human being is just MEST, a body, devoid of what gave it life, a Thetan (spirit).

A Thetan (you, a spirit) gives a physical body (MEST) the appearance of intelligent life.

You, a Thetan, a spirit, are always alive whether in or out of a body.
You enter a body at birth and leave it at death. Not being MEST, you never die.

And, those are the three parts of man:

A human being = a non-physical Thetan + a mind + a physical body


Now, here is one the funny things about all of this –

A Thetan drives a human body the same way a human being drives a car.

What would you say about a friend who got into his car one day and never got back out again? He just got stuck in there and couldn’t leave. Worse yet, he loses his own identity and now thinks he is the car.

You would probably say your friend was nuts. And, you’d be correct about that.

A sane man can get in and out of a car at will. And just because he drives a car, he never loses his own identity and starts believing he is the car. Right?

Well, the same thing holds true for a Thetan and a body.

Just because a Thetan enters a body, is no reason he should get stuck in it, and then lose his own identity and start thinking he is a body. A Thetan that does that is nuts.

A sane Thetan can go into and out of a body at will, without the body dieing. He’s not stuck in the body and he never loses his own identity and starts believing he is a body.

And that is one of the primary goals of auditing, to handle this condition of a Thetan getting stuck in a body and losing his own identity to where he thinks he is a body. He should be able to enter and leave the body at will anytime he wants to, and retain his own identity at all times.

That would be sanity for a Thetan.


Now, let’s get down to the simplicity of what Scientology and auditing is really about.

The Tone Scale

40 Serenity of Beingness
20 Sensation of the spirit of play
8.0 Exhileration
4.0 Enthusiasm
3.5 Strong Interest
3.0 Content
2.5 Boredom
2.0 Antagonism
1.5 Anger
1.0 Fear
0.5 Grief
.05 Apathy
0.0 Body Death

Let’s say the above scale represents a Thetan’s degree of happiness in the game of life.

What makes him go down this scale? PAIN.

From 2.0 on down are the three types of painful mental image pictures discussed earlier.

Auditing is simply a technique for relieving the pain from those three types of MIP.

It works like this:

The auditor has the patient find a painful mental image picture.

He then relieves the pain in it by having the patient re-experience the MIP over and over.

Let’s say the painful MIP is a secondary. The patient’s dog died and he felt grief. The first time the patient re-experiences that MIP, he is crying. The auditor then asks the patient to re-experience it again. The second time the patient becomes afraid. The third time he goes through it, the patient may start to feel angry. The fourth time, he may start to feel boredom. The fifth or sixth time, he feels relief and starts laughing, indicating the pain has been relieved from that MIP, laughter being the release of painful emotion.

Pain drove him down the tone scale to grief.

And releasing the pain allows him to rise back up.

There are three places on the tone scale that auditing seeks to attain:

4 Enthusiasm = Clear
8 Exhileration = Theta Clear
20 Spirit of Play = Cleared Theta Clear (aka Operating Thetan aka OT)

The state of Theta Clear, around 8 on the tone scale, is the state discussed earlier where the Thetan can leave and enter his body at will. He can operate his body from either inside or outside of it. He is not stuck inside of it and he knows he is a Thetan, not a body.

I myself have been exterior and I have complete certainty I am a spirit, not a body.

But I have not attained 8 on the tone scale yet and cannot leave my body at will.

Another fact, is that no one in Scientology has achieved 8 or 20 on the tone scale, as yet. Nevertheless, those three points on the tone scale are the stated goals of auditing.


The following is what most Scientologists need to learn, also:

What the whole subject of Scientology and auditing is all about is to raise a Thetan’s tone. That is all and that is it. That is the simplicity of it, nothing more complex than that.

A quote from Science of Survival:

"An auditor is not trying to cure anything. HE IS SIMPLY RAISING TONE.

Anything which raises a person’s tone can be considered legitimate processing.

This includes, of course, nutrition, environment, and education, as well as processing (auditing). Simply taking the person to see a movie he wants to see may raise his tone. Processing achieves permanent rises in tone. If it is illegal anywhere to process people, then it must also, sequitur, be illegal to make people happy."


And, when that is not known and not practiced by any Scientologist, that is when trouble starts. No one in their right mind is opposed to an increase in happiness for themselves or their family, groups, and fellow man.

And, if all Scientologists understood -


The only time trouble starts is when people are handled in such a way that drives them down tone. Stacy Brooks is one example, Lisa McPherson is another. Well, that isn’t auditing, my friends. That is the exact opposite of it.

Whenever I handle people, when I audit them, they like it. They want more. Why?

Because I handle them with this AS MY MOST BASIC STABLE DATUM –



Want to know what is wrong with Scientology? Starting in 1965, certain fascist policies were written which go 180 degrees against the concept of raising tone. Locking people up in chain lockers, denying them proper nutrition and sleep, etc. Enforced disconnection resulting in divorces and broken homes for children. Vicious attacks on critics (even when the critic was right), criminal acts, censorship for church members, denying church staff members the right to have children, etc.

All detrimental to raising tone.

Remember the beginning of this essay where I talked about auditing being a tool.

And, how any tool can be used constructively or destructively, dependent upon the skill and intent of the operator of that tool.

Well, real auditing is not what is wrong with Scientology, when it is in the hands of a practitioner, such as myself, who only uses it to accomplish a rise in tone (happiness) for the people I am using it on.

The fascist policies and practices of the church that violate the concept of raising tone are what’s wrong with the Church of Scientology. And, as a real auditor who has the purpose of raising tone level, I will stand 100% with the critics in abolishing all those polices and practices of the church that violate the concept of raising the tone level of individuals, families, groups and all mankind.

That’s what a real auditor does and those people who are currently running the church have no clue what Scientology and auditing are really about and I ask that people not confuse their actions with the real subject of auditing.

Let’s reform the church. But let’s not reform the true auditors who raise people’s tone.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

From a real auditor –

Mike McClaughry